Erin Wallace
Artist Bio:
Erin Wallace is a self-taught creative. She has been creating in various mediums such as textiles, quilting and digital photography for well over a decade. More recently, her pandemic project was to learn watercolor, and she has since jumped head-first into the enchanting medium of encaustics. Encaustic mixed media allows her to mix her passions and combine images, fabrics and other materials into complex and interesting works.
Erin has been displaying her artwork regularly since 2018 in the Westerville area as a member of Community Artists of Westerville (CAW) and the Arts Council of Westerville at events such as Mt Carmel St Ann’s 4th Fridays, License for Art exhibit, and the annual CAW Spring show to name a few. She has also had the opportunity to share her works in shows across Columbus. From the Ekphrastic Fantastic exhibit at the Cultural Arts Center and the Femme Eclectique show at Pennington Custom Art Services in 2021 to Wild Art Columbus events by Wild Goose Creative in 2020 and 2022. This past summer she had the pleasure to be one of the artists selected in the 2023 Ohio State Fair Fine Arts Exhibition. 2023 brought opportunities to be juried into several other exhibitions: Westerball Community Gallery at the annual 2023 WesterBall event and two Daylight Artist Collective shows, “New Beginnings” and “Pathways and Portals.” Her passion for art led her to a short 3-year stint as the Art Program Manager of the James Art Gallery at the James Cancer Hospital from 2020 to 2023. This embedded in her more desire to share art with folks in the Arts and Health front. She has since become a member of the Medicine & the Arts Board for the OSU College of Medicine.
Artist Statement:
I love to teach! In my day job, I am a software trainer. Bringing together my art and teaching skills I love to share encaustic art demonstrations and workshops in the community.
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